A very short summary of a period of 18 years.
I designed and built my GAYA2 loudspeakers in 2005-2006. The enclosures are made from Hartpapier, available under serveral names, most used is Pertinax. The crossection an ellips with one little end cut for the baffle. Dimensions 110x33x45cm, weight some 70 kg.
The drivers : 2x Scanspeak 21w-8555-01, 1x Thiel/Accuton C90-6-078, 1x Thiel/Accuton C30-6-024.
As amplifier then a Musical Fidelity A5 and a Marantz SACD player.
Several years ago i replaced the amp with a AudioNet SA20SE and shortly after also switched to streaming with Roon, and as DAC a Chord Qtest.
This got me interested in the possibilities of digital signal processing and through publications of Mitch Barnett (accuratesound.ca) decided to first do digital room correction. This resulted in buying a license of Acourate and also the Hang Loose Convolver about 2 years ago.
The start of an very interesting period of serious improvements in the in room performance and thus the enjoyment of music.
It triggered me in renewal of the loudspeakers, and last year i decided to replace the drivers with Purifi drivers, my wife eventually agreed under condition that the enclosures remain as they have become a key component of the living room interior.
The baffle shape was not optimal for the midrange, so i used 3D modeling together with AKABAK to simulate alternatives within the constraints set by my dear wife

In the mean time i also considered alternatives for the cross-over and first decided for a hybrid active crossover, with the mid and tweeter passively xo-ed, and active for bass to mid. For the bass i would deploy a Purifi Eval 1 amplifier, for the xo a minidsp flex. The minidsp by the way was a serious disappointment, so back to the 'drawing board'.
I then decided to purchase a Okto Research DAC8 Pro, and sound quality wise it is as good or better than the Qtest. This made me reconsider the cross-over plans, and i decided for full 3-way active. This triggered by publications on forums about the active crossover design options with Acourate, in particular the jpol11 variant.
So what is the status now:
In the last 2 months the enclosure baffles are modified, and the Purifi drivers (2x PTT8.0X08-NFA2, 1x PTT4.0M08-NAC04) are mounted. The Purifi tweeter is not yet on the market, but i got the dimensions to prepare the enclosures and as "upgrade path" i use a SB26ADC with a Augerpro Waveguide adapted to have the same mounting flange as the Purifi tweeter.
I now have 3 Purifi Eval1 stereo amplifiers, the dac8 pro, and a separate more capable endpoint for roon which will also hold the Acourate Convolver. The cabling is almost ready.
With Uli recently agreed to have a remote desktop session(s) in the near future, and in preparation I am training myself in using Acourate for developing a phase-linear 3-way crossover, and just received Acourate v3 and Acourate Convolver.
Parallel to this i learned about the "Pure Accurate Sound" project, which i see as a firm confirmation that i made the right decision.
So step by step i am coming to "Aktives Hören"

Jan R. Smit
Note: i could not add pictures, perhaps someone could tell me ho to do this.